The Ropes of Animated Content

Last week I wrote about how Animated Banners are basically made, by who, and what kind of jobs are open for it. However, this week, I’ll get into the nitty-gritty details, the bread and butter and tell you exactly HOW it’s done! Animated Web Content… a pretty big deal for advertising! It can make or break your design, and a nicely created and balanced interactive banner is just bound to get you some good viewers and customers! When done well, animated web banners are truly forces to be reckoned with, with their fun interaction, pretty graphics, and plethora of information, so let’s hop on in!

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Creators of Animated Web Content

Animated web banners! We’ve seen them all the time, almost everywhere. On many sites, there’s always a little nook or cranny for an ad, which can be used well, or it may not be utilized in the best way possible. Making an animated ad it’s best is pretty easier said than done. It’s a balance of structure, color, text, and well-placed information. You can’t have an ad without knowing where it’s going! I mean, who would click an ad if they don’t know what it’s for or what it’s advertising? In this article, we’ll go over animated web content and it’s creators, and how to work some of the details. There will be more about these animated web content in a future article, which I will link to here.

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Learn About WordPress- On WordPress!

WordPress! Hey, we’re on it right now! WordPress is an extremely handy website platform, or Content Management System (CMS) it allows us to create, post, showcase, do just about everything online! It handles blogging, separate pages, portfolios, helpful tools and plugins, and even HTML-type things. It’s very important to use, so let’s get down to business and explore bits and pieces of WordPress! Learn about WordPress, on WordPress! Continue reading

Web Banner Ads and How To Make Them

You’re searching around on Google having a generally alright searching time, nothing’s going on, you’re just scrolling around, clicking links, etcetera. You click a link, bringing up a new website, and WHAM! There are ads. Banners for websites, linking online shops and services, these are called web banner ads, and they generate publicity and attention, as well as paying the owner of the site for allowing them to be there.

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Designing UI and UX

Welcome to the world of UI and UX, both extremely important things that involve both the user and the designer. You’ve probably heard of these terms before. UI is user interface, where the user goes to actually interact with the program, app, website, whatever it is! This connects the user to the program, and luckily, the user doesn’t have to go into all the nitty gritty details of the innerworkings of the app. UX is similar, UX means user experience, which is, of course, extremely important as well. UX is designing things to increase user satisfaction and happiness with whatever it is. This entails that things are easily accessible, easy to find, and also easy to read. Web analytics- analyzing how users interact with things online and where they go or how long they stay, also comes into play here. Within this article, we’ll cover more things involving it.

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Website Optimization 101

This article is a pretty big deal. Judging from the fact that you’re reading this, it must mean that this article has loaded quickly and easily. If it hadn’t I can guess that you absolutely haven’t been reading this article. The ideal loading times for websites are 2-3 seconds, and if it takes longer this’ll actually irritate your users and lose visitors, thus losing buyers, readers, etc. A website that isn’t optimized is an unhappy website, and within this article, I’ll cover a bit of how professional website designers build properly optimized websites.

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ACAs Galore

ACAs are some pretty important certification tests. ACA, of course, stands for Adobe Certification Associate and will allow you to get certified in a few different Adobe softwares. The test is by Adobe themselves, so being certified by Adobe is very important and you can put these things on your portfolio if you wanted to. It’ll add more weight to your portfolio, as well.

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Marketing Strategies

As artists and designers, we have to know who to target and how to target them. There is always a target audience, whether it be little kids, hipsters, or wine moms. You gotta appeal to specific audiences based on age, likes/dislikes, aesthetically, etc; it’s best to be visually appealing since you are a designer, its your job to make things pretty. In order to appeal to a specific audience, you must figure out your target audience, you have to put work into researching that demographic group, use design strategies to attract the right audience, and learn how to keep that audiences eyes on you. Just like a movie or play, too.

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